Wednesday, November 16, 2005

plaguing my dreams...

Help! My dreams are being plagued by the Christmas play! If you know me you know that I am an active sleeper...And all I think about all night is the Christmas play. I'm chasing kids around and they are talking and goofing off and it's so frustrating but I'm sleeping and can't escape it. It just replays over and over in my head. Anyway, I solved a major problem I was having; no recorded music for the kids to practice with but amazingly enough I found an old cassette of the play. A colleague of mine recorded that onto CD as a wav file, then another friend found a cool program called Audacity which we downloaded for free and allowed me to slpit the humonguous wav file into individual tracks. Then I burned it onto CD, one for every class. This is going to be so helpful because now the kids can practice with their own teacher more than the two times a week I see them. They get to hear the piano music as well, for the first time. Please pray that things keep falling into place. This week's sterssor is we need a videographer.

Other random notes;

1) I don't know if I mentioned this or not when I did the garbage information post, but we have to pay for special Taipei City issue garbage bags. They cost about 12$ for 20. Which isn't a super lot, because that's the biggest and they last us a long time but still. 12$ seems like a lot for garbage bags.

2) Its getting cold here! And I am getting super wimpy. Its about 18 degrees at night and I wear a sweatshirt and pants out. Even the days are cooler.

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