Sunday, May 21, 2006

Last week...

It was a busy week, sorry for no post. By the time I get home and get on my computer I'm abut ready to fall asleep, so then I just go to bed!

School is coming crashing to halt, 1 more week of real classes left, the last week will be filled with assemblies, cleaning stuff, fun day, and the Friday is a half day so we just spend the morning signing yearbooks, get report cards and then buh bye! Actually, I am a little sad about see my kids go but also excited for next year. We had a class party yesterday at the beach and it was really really fun. The weather was perfect, hot and sunny, and the waves were crazy but we had a blast. It was a little annoying because the lifeguard wouldn't let anyone go out past them, and the water was only hip deep, but the waves and the current were so strong that I'm not surpried. One kids lost his glasses inthe ocean (I know, why was he wearing them?), One kid got sand in his eyes but we fixed him up, too. Chris and Ali and I got sunbrned, of course. It was so great to watch the kids play and have fun...splashing in the waves, building sand walls and digging holes... I just slept for 11 hours so I can imagine most of them did the same.

A summary of last week; Spring conert was great, kids did awesome. Half day on Friday, PD in the afternoon. Friday night Amazing Race was so great, and I am super pumped that our team won. I've never won a pool before. It is a little sad that it's all over but we only two more Fridays left so it's ok. As Chris said we won't be thinking about TV in two weeks! I outgrew my fist pair of pants. Most of my clothes are pretty loose on me generally, and fit under my waist and not around it so almost everything is still good, but one pari of pants buttons right around my middle and I had to sit with the button undone on Friday afternoon so I wouldn't burst out. In the pregnancy department not too much else is new. All the students have found out this week through one way or another and so there have been lots of congratulations from them and parents. I've also been getting some advice from the students. The best one is that I shouldn't ride my bike anymore. Pregnant peopple can't ride bikes. The other one is that I shouldn't watch scary movies or TV shows because the baby will hear the voices and be scared. Chinese culture has a very different approach to pregancy and childbirth and childrearing so I 'm sure there will be more interesting advice pop up. The first thing the kids ask is if it a boy or girl yet, which we don't know, and one boy said You should have a boy because boys are cheaper. :) So we'll see. I have my regular appointment Monday, so hopefully pictures will follow.


Reagan said...

WOOOOOO!!! Go Hippies!!!! this is the first time "my" team has ever won, how exciting!!! Wow not long until you guys come home, can't wait to see you both!! What day do yo fly back? Well I hope you have a safe flight (I imagine it's a long one) Talk to you later.

Melissa said...

