Sunday, January 30, 2011

Exhausting Week

Super busy week this week, especially with Chris out of commission for 2 days and Guinness' constant crying and whining. I'm responsible for getting the order ready for purchasing the music curriculum for the entire system, and a bunch of other things like benchmark writing, ec etc... Getting organized for semester 2; new music, private lesson schedule, etc. There were a lot of highlights, too; Annabelle's shower the big one but also so difficult as every week that passes is one week closer to her departure and that is a huge sad knot in my stomach.

So thankful for GuoNian (CHinese New Year) holiday. (ChunJie JiaQi) As always, I have incredible ambitions:

paint the house
Guinness' curtains
clean the bathrooms
clean the fridge and freezer
go on an overnight trip
go shopping
get Guin's passport

BUT I am not going to get much done. CNY is tricky because it is the big holiday here in Taiwan and the only one everyone gets off, so almost everything will be closed Wednesday-Saturday, so I that means I get all my shopping and traveling done tomorrow or Tuesday so I can be housebound the rest of the week. It also means there will be tonnes of traffic so we can't travel then, either...

13 weeks of school left. Amazing.

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