Sunday, October 23, 2011

Awesome Weekend

Had such a great weekend!! Began with a great Thursday/Friday at school; two causal clothes days, some fun activities that shook up the routine, and some fresh energy from a pep talk with a Taiwan best friend on Wednesday. Friday night was super fun, put Gemma to bed early and alone so could enjoy the adult company better. Saturday tutoring was good, miraculously got a sitter for married small group which was also awesome. Sunday 'art sale' (see Gemma's blog for more details), first Chinese lesson in ages, church. I wish I had the energy to stay up and finish some projects, but that's cool; tomorrow is a new day.

Part of the new energy/refreshing came from the stories/new events of others. Of course YueYue, the hit and run in China which completely shook me to the core, then two other news stories about the soaring abortion rate in Taiwan. Then the blog of a friend whose daughter was born very premature, just came home form the hospital finally after 4 months but then was readmitted this week for observation... just the frustrations they're having and the stress, and how they just long and ache to HOLD their baby and take her home and have everything be OK, to not worry that at any minute she could forget to breath or that she wasn't so vulnerable and tiny. The common thread to all these events is LIFE IS SO PRECIOUS!!! Value life, value every second with my precious children. Nothing like a dose of perspective to bring a new bounce to your step, an extra measure of patience to your words, a louder laugh out of your mouth. So so much to be thankful for!!!!

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