Sunday, August 26, 2012

Where to begin?

On June 21st we left Taiwan.  We were frantically taking out garbage and packing the rest of our stuff right till that last minute.  We spent probably the first three weeks of our vacation shell shocked at my mother in law's house.  Didn't call people.  Didn't go out.  Didn't do much but eat and sleep.  Leaving Taiwan was so taxing; the stress of the decision, the emotional grieving process, the practical decisions, the packing and cleaning and packing and cleaning and packing and cleaning that never seemed to end.  The summer has been relaxing, but we are still going through the 'would've, should've, could've' of moving.  Torturing ourselves!!  Thankfully that is coming to an end. Our stuff from both Taiwan and Saskatoon will be here in Langley with us anyday, we'll finish paying for it (gulp.... sickening feeling in stomach) and we'll move on.  We've been in Langley for 4 days now.  Arrived on a high, hit a very low low, but am coming back around after a day of wonderful warmth and blessing.  This is mostly why I want to blog today; I just need to share about how good God has been to us.

A lesson we probably all know but it's worthy of repeating: hard times bring us closer to God.  I know it is true from the past and have had it renewed again. This summer I've prayed so much and read my Bible so much, and as I have drawn close to God, he has drawn close to me.  There has been so many ways God has affirmed this decision to move, and worked things out for us.

-the day after we found out our move from Saskatoon was going to be way more than we thought,  my dad sold our little car for 350$ more than we were asking for it.
-got free beds for the kids room, an entertainment stand, stools, and a chariot from friends who moved here recently and didn't have room for them.
-we found the exact van we wanted on Kijiji for the price we were anticipating.  
-I got a bike today.  It's from Craigslist, but I am hopeful it will be good enough for me and the kids to be-bop around in our usual biking style!

I am going to blog again.  I want to stay connected to people and to share about what's going on.  I value the prayers of those of you who read this and pray for us and what we're doing.  Hopefully I'll get pictures up and running, too.  Blogs are so much better with pictures.  In a few weeks I think I'll make it private, but I'll email and message so whoever wants to read can get on board.  

Love to you,

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