Saturday, June 25, 2005

Report Cards

It is 11:30 pm and I just got home from school. I finished all of my report cards (at one school). Honestly, I'm not sure why it took 7 hours...It doesn't seem like that difficult of a task; type in the assignments, enter the marks, print them off, file them...Its amazing how long 10-20 second tasks can add up. I am so glad I didn't leave them until my next day out there and last day. Now its done, and I'm sure plenty of other little things will come up for that day.

I am going to my Grandma and Grandpa McKenzie's tomorrow to have some time together before I go. The great metropolis of Luseland; have you heard of it? Should be goo times, but I better get to sleep so I can get out of here bright and early.

1 comment:

Jen Gilbertson said...

I'm glad you're back blogging. I'm excited to see what happens when you return to the tiny overpopulated island. I hope you're remaining time in Canada is stress-free or at least, less stressful.
