Wednesday, August 03, 2005

My first subway ride!!

Taipei MRT

We are getting settled here. We found some cheaper places to eat and some grocery stores, plus a Costco run and are now getting into life here. We applied for ARCs today (which is a certificate that allows you to live in Taiwan) so we should get those Monday, and then we can get internet, but at least the intenet at school is fixed so we can do stuff here. Yay!

Today I took my very first subway ride! Subways are pretty neat. Just like a bus but underground. You scan a credit card thing when you get on and then when you get off and it charges you by how long you've been riding. The signs were all in English and Chinese too, which is really helpful.

All our Ikea is set up, so our house looks nice and cozy. We got an orange sofa, and a black poang chair, and a black book shelf...Hopefully we'll have some pictures soon to put up.

The teacher training is good so far. I can't wait for some time to actually get some work done. Maybe this afternoon.

We bought bikes yesterday so today we biked to school instead of walked. It was pretty awesome, almost as good as scooters but not quite! Now we can explore a little bit more and check out the city. Its not very big so I think we can see quite a bit. Fun times, I love sightseeing.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Awesome! Glad to hear you guys are settling in! The MRT rocks eh? If only we'd had it in Kaohsiung... Well, scooters are fun...but I would've given anything to not have stinky, exhaust skin (from driving a scooter) while I was pregnant. Oh might have been a tad safer too!
Anyway, things sound good...enjoy your new bikes! love, katrina
