Sunday, September 25, 2005

To Market, to Market... buy a fat hog. Or chicken. Or sea cucumber, if that's what you crave, Our parents group at shcool organized a little market tour for whoever wanted to go. A lot of people still shop at markets so its the best place to see fresh and crazy Chinese ingredients. Some highlights are below:

The cage picture is frogs, in case it's not clear. I didn't put a picture of the chicken shop, but they had all these live chickens in cages, and then a washing machine type thing that they put the chicken in to agitate all the feathers off.

I bought some new fuits and veggies to try; green papaya, dried pineapple, this trail mix thing that is tasty and healthy, and some juice stuff...Its a big block of something that you boil until its all dissolved and then put in the fridge and drink, so we'll see how that goes. Here's for culinary adventures.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

the pics turned out quite well. I'm glad I had the opportunity to go there. I had a great weekend!
