Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Singing Appliances

My computer charger got fried last week, so I am on limited computer access. It's hard to keep two computers charged with one charger, and because my battery is so old it only holds charge for about an hour or so before it dies off. A trip to the Mac store is in order.

Update on life; concert on Friday. The theme is sort of a music advocacy thing so the others music teachers and I are performing solos as well as having the kids play. I feel like sometimes we make band be so much work; dressing up for concerts, setting up risers, taking down, etc, and with no reward and so we are trying to inspire and pump up our musicians. Like we do for athletes. Report cards are due Monday but I'm almost done so thats good. Elementary concert in 5 weeks, baby in 6 weeks... Things are busy but going well.

Here is my attempt at being interesting:

Have you ever walked in on someone singing? Someone who thought they were alone, and so were singing with peppy enthusiasm? I thought I heard such singing last week, a twinkling little melody coming from somewhere around the bedroom. I followed the sound and caught just the tail end of it on our balcony. The suspect? The washing machine. But I couldn't be 100% sure. Well, today, it gave itself completly away. I was walking out to get the load of laundry in there just as it ended and thus caught the whole 'I'm done washing clothes' ditty. It was really cute, actually. I told you our last washing machine made video game sounds when you turned it on. But this one is so sweet, like it's celebrating a job well done. I wish my computer would sing at me if I finished my lesson plans, or maybe my toothbrush if I brush for more than two minutes. Any other singing appliance ideas out there?


LJE said...

i think you should get chester to record the "i'm done washing the clothes" ditty.....i can't even imagine what it would be like to have my appliances sing to me.

Reagan said...

I think there should be a toaster that sings the peanut butter jelly song when your toast is done
"It's peanut butter jelly time
It's peanut butter jelly time
Where ya at?
Where ya at?"
LOL if you have no idea what I'm talkin about go to and search for peanut butter jelly time.

Jen Gilbertson said...

Hey Nevada . . . I was talking to Arleen the other day, and we were wondering if Baby McKenzie had popped out yet. I'll keep checking the blogs for news! I'm praying for you.

Chris said...

Before we got our car starter our car always beeped at us when we locked/unlocked it, I kinda miss that now cos it was almost like it was saying hi/bye to us... btw... I love your stories, they always make me smile! You're awesome!
