Saturday, November 18, 2006

The concert was a huge success, pheww... There were some tough moments, like doing the whole dress rehearsal without the music because the CD didn't work, but then Andy saved the day by putting it on his ipod and Chris came and saved the day by getting the DVD clips we made to work with sound, etc... The kids always perform about a million times better the night of the show and they sounded like little angels. I was super impressed with every song. And (obviously) baby stayed put! So now we are in the clear, pretty much, Always stuff to do at school (which is why I havn't blogged; my blog pattern is this; oh, so busy with progress reports, oh so busy with report cards, oh so busy with concert, repeat) But anyway.

It has been an incredible last few weeks. I guess its about baby so I should switch blogs here, but we have just been so blessed in the last few weeks with amazing friendship and gifts, unexpected surprises and mountains of prayer...I don't think I've ever been prayed for as much in my life as during pregnancy, and I can totally feel it. You know in Psalm 23, 'my cup runneth over'? Well it's like my cup is being filled by a swimming pool. Thank you friends and family, you mean the world to me!!!


Kat said...

That is so amazing to hear Nevada! What a perfect time to feel so blessed!!

I'm definitely praying for you guys and thinking about you...I will for sure be checking in many times in the next little while! I'm hoping for pretty much instantaneous news on one of your blogs!! ;o)

I'm really happy your feeling so good. That last little stretch can get rough when you're just so ready to meet your little miracle...I can't believe you guys are SO close!!

love from across the ocean, katrina

Greg said...

I'm sure you will go into labour soon. Now that the concert is over, your body can fully relax, and that will trigger labour. That's always been my theory anyway!
