Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sleep lottery...

Read another good book; The Girl with the Pearl Earring. Its a fiction story about the painting of the same title; the girl in the painting is the main character and its about how the painting came to be and the results of it, etc. Good book, but I didn't buy the relationship between the girl and the painter. It was too much unsaid. This book had great resolution though, a must in my opinion.

Secret Life of Bees is about a girl who lives with her jerky father after her mother dies through an event surrounded by mystery. The girl runs away from the father and finds refuge with a special and loving group of sisters, and she makes ammends with her life and past. The writer was so relaxed, she had such a good style.

2 weeks till I go back to work. Not sure how I am going to do that since I don't sleep most of the night and then lay in bed until 12, but we'll see. She will sleep through the night eventually. She has too, its only a matter of time. Its like playing the lottery; tonight could be my lucky night!!

1 comment:

Greg said...

That's funny. I just finished watching the movie "The Secret Life of Words". (It was okay; it was a little slow, but it was done well, and I liked the ending.)
-Jessica (not Greg!)
