Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Christmas is coming!

December is here already. Gemma's birthdays are done, and it was fun but tiring. Now Christmas shopping. All those people who are almost done or done, wow...We haven't even thought about Christmas yet! OK, I thought about how much I haven't done yet :) that's it. I started my McKenzie family person yesterday, and know what I'm doing for the rest, thankfully we have Everything Day in the summer for Chester's family so I can wait on that. Chester; I bought his in the summer, and I know what to get Gemma, so I guess it's not so bad. I'm more worried about Christmas cards and stuff. There are a few other people we usually send stuff for so I need to get on that. This week...

Concert on Friday. Concert the next Friday. For that one I need to make the gym look like Heaven. Any favorite heavenly stereotypes I can use? I already have some harp music for before the show and I got the business card of a quilt batting place so I can have lots of fluffy white clouds delivered to school. I was thinking of streets paved with gold, decorating the doors like Pearly Gates, and perhaps having Saint Peter working the door handing out programs. I pretty much love Christmas concerts, and wish I had the time and energy to do everything I have in mind. Last day of school is the 19th, then two weeks of holidays. And a house that needs its nooks and crannies cleaned desperately.

I went to the fabric market today, a place I love! They have every print, color, style, design under the sun all crammed into one building. I have such a blast there. Brenda bought this really neat fabric from Ikea for the top of Gemma's duvet cover so I needed to get the bottom. I picked three really fun colours to match and will so a simple block pattern (I couldn't get fabric wide enough and didn't have enough brain cells to figure out how to sew two pieces together to look nice for the back so I just got three big pieces instead... I feel like the scarecrow; If I only had a brain!) So I will do that this weekend for sure. (After Christmas cards and mailing presents).

After December is January. (Duh). Then I will have another baby in March. It is so funny because now that the belly is getting so noticeable the kids are finally catching on; You're having a BABY???????????? You have a baby in your tummy????? Everyday a new kid makes that connection, and I am like, umm, yes. Remember the first day of school and it was announced? Kids are so cute. And of course there are the touchy-feely ones who have to pet the belly, and rub my outie belly button. If it wasn't so cute so be pat by a first grader I would be annoyed.

Ok, better get to bed. Bye!

1 comment:

Judy said...

White feather boas are a fun thing to decorate with if you can get them cheap. Line the front of the stage with white cord mini lights in them.
