Thursday, April 23, 2009

Things I Forgot About Newborns

1) How many diapers will be changed. He is ALWAYS soaking wet!

2) How tired I am. Uggg.

3) Don't leave barfed on clothes at the bottom of the hamper for weeks because they will get black mold spots on them. Eeeww.

4) I used to be a size 4.

5) The stroller with carrier is HEAVY!

Now that Guinness is finally asleep peacefully, it is 8am and Gemma is awake. 4 hours till nap time :)

1 comment:

Kristie said...

I've been thinking of writing a similar post!!! How about: the true reason a 2 hour feeding schedule is sucky is because it takes at least an hour to nurse, burp, change the diaper and (sometimes) change clothes (him, you, or both).

Abram and Ellie do the tag team morning too, starting at 5:30.
