Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm a Survivor!

It's a whole new world in Nevada Land! We've seen SUN and had WARM WEATHER. My spring concert was on Friday, and it went off so well. Lots of answered prayers and tonnes of grace. So happy about that. I got a very lovely compliment from someone, which totally made my weekend. This week is a short week, then is the holiday, then only about 6 more weeks of school. We'll be in Canada June 4th!!

The weekends have been outstanding. Here are some things we do on the weekend:
-wake up and play (barbies or princess or whatever)
-I go to Starbucks and tutor for an hour or two.
-play with my kids more.
-go to the park and play
-go to the roof and play with water and bubbles
-get tea
-read (yes, even I had time to read this weekend!)
-watch movies
-keep the house cleaned enough I can go to bed at 9pm

This weekend we had a great bubble exploration time, using all sorts of stuff from the kitchen to see what kind of bubbles we could make. We saw this in a video once in the winter and the kids have been wanting to try it. Flip flips make cool bubbles, just so you know! Just dip it in and hold the bottom and low through the end where your toes would come out.

Making it to this week has been so encouraging. I feel like I can see the finish line; I will survive the 2010-2011 school year! Having the end in sight will also encourage me to run the race well, and finish strong. JiaYou!

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