Saturday, April 23, 2011

Short Fuse

I sometimes fool myself into thinking I am on top of my emotions. Like this week, I'm on vacay, I'm calm, I'm relaxed.... and then I got SO MAD at two complete strangers.

1) I was on the MRT with Gem and Guin in the FireBird. It was packed and we were crammed in the middle, and when we got to the stop we needed people exited the car from the sides of the door and then new people started coming on... and the guy directly between us and the door didn't move. So I very politely said, "Jie Guo Yi Xia" (excuse me). Nothing. So Gemma taps him lightly. Nothing happens. At which point my blood pressure is rising because MRTs don't just stay stopped for long periods of time. You have to move pretty quick. And so I GRABBED the guy's coat, (and see then that he is wearing headphones; why he can't hear me) and moved him out of our way. And said VERY loudly, "EXCUSE ME PLEASE!" Loud enough for everyone in the whole car to hear. And grabbed his coat hard enough to get his lazy inattentive teenage butt out of my way. In a blink of an eye I was that ticked off!

THEN 2) We were at Subway, which has a small bump to get up with the stroller and a swinging door. We were coming in right behind someone, so I got the nose of the stroller up the bump while he was holding it.... then he let go. And the let the door hit us. So I have to reach around the stroller, try to get the door open get the stroller up, make sure Gemma is in and not getting whacked. And then, he stops. Just right in the middle of the aisle to get up to the till. So again, blood boiling over in a second, I say in my loudest, most obnoxious foriegner voice, "JIE GUO YI XIA! XIE XIE!!!!!!" and wait for him to get out of our way. I literally could not stop myself, I as so ticked off.

Not high points for me. When did my fuse get so short???? Why am I so easily angered? Definitely not acceptable behavior, and I sure don't want my kids to react how I did. Sigh....

1 comment:

taiwan xifu said...

i have so been there!! and that is just with me-- i can imagine i will be even angrier once our baby is born and i'm trying to get around taipei with a stroller. it's so hard. people really don't hold doors and they don't clear the way for you to get off the MRT. sometimes it's hard not to react the way you did. i guess the answer is to pray for more patience. or just don't leave home. ha ha ha. :) i enjoy your blog by the way, even though i rarely comment. jia you!
