Sunday, August 08, 2010

Back in Taiwan

So we are here, living in this confusing and unmerciful land called Jet Lag. Went to bed at 7:30 because because the kids had passed out by then, woke up at 2:30am. Went down for naps at 8:30am, now up at 10:30. Well, Guin and I are. Gem is still sleeping. I can hardly believe that I start work tomorrow, although being in a place where clocks and schedules mean something may help.

Taiwan is good. Of course, it can hardly hold a candle to Canada, where we were treated to refrigerators full of food, meals cooked for us everyday, and people who like doing laundry (Sheri and Brenda). It was definitely back to reality as I served the kids breakfast of honey nut cheerios (the cereal we alternate

UGGGG!!!! I wrote the whole sotry and BLOGGER LOST IT> Ugg, this sucks, Im going to bed.

1 comment:

Kat said...

oh Nevada, I can just feel your agony in these two posts!! You poor thing. I'm glad the worst is over for you. (besides that you keep losing your blogs!)

Hope the kids start sleeping like champs soon and all becomes right in the world again!

If not, we could always hit up the park at 5:30 AM? ;o)
