Thursday, September 01, 2011

Haven't posted...

Haven't been on in a while. School is on, and our home is running fairly smoothly, which is GOOD, but requires some prioritizing of time, and blogging is taking the cut.

We're in a fairly good groove here. I've been getting up early to go to school early to make up some work time, and that's been helpful. Truthfully, I feel tired when I sleep 8 hours or 6 hours so why not get up after 6 hours and get some stuff done? So I do, and I've managed to make it to school most days by 6:30. Another morning goal is eating breakfast and doing my hair/putting more than 5 minutes into getting dressed. And I have been! Nothing major; maybe earrings or a necklace, straightening my hair once a week (thanks to the awesome straightener my sister gave me this summer). Other good habits? Doing dishes right after supper, line drying clothes, leaving laundry to the weekend, not night snacking. Serving the kids fruit and veg for snacks. Chris has been doing a lot of shopping and cooking, too, which is so helpful.

So sorry for not being here, gotta put family first :)

1 comment:

Kristie said...

I've been trying to cut the night snacking too. Going to bed earlier would definitely help.
